Channel: Anika Nilles
Category: Entertainment
Tags: anika nilleschat smithtotosynergyentertainmentanykmusicthe policerockroxy musicluke hollandmatt halpernemmanuelle caplettemeinl cymbalsdream theatermatt garstkacooperdrummerchary lifesnarky puppymaytal cohenjared falkbenny grebalter egocobus potgieterdrumcoverdrumeojoe satrianifemale drummeraaron spears
Description: #anikanilles #drumming #nevell NEW ALBUM "FOR A COLORFUL SOUL" COMING ON JANUARY 10TH 2020! get Anikas music here: apple music: amazon: Website: Booking: Chris Ryan - song written by anika nilles ***for more information read description*** bass, keys, drums - anika nilles guitars - joachim schneiss produced by joachim schneiss at liner studios / walldorf co produced by anika nilles video and editing - adam harangy assistant - nico stumpe thanks to the team of "Burg Ronneburg" and Werner Fromm for the great venue! THANKS TO MY PARTNERS liner studios / Walldorf mapex drums meinl cymbals evans drumheads vic firth sticks beyerdynamic slapklatz cympad tunerfish lug locks GEAR LIST MEINL CYMBALS cymbal set up from right to the left: Meinl byzance jazz hat 14' Meinl byzance extra dry crash 20' Meinl byzance trash crash 16' (bottom) Meinl byzance traditional splash 10' (top) Meinl byzance extra dry R&D ride 24' Meinl byzance hammered thin crash 18' Meinl byzance trash crash 18' (top x hat) Meinl byzance jazz thin crash 18' (bottom x hat) MAPEX DRUMS Mapex Black Panther "white widow" custom 20x18 Bass Drum 12x07 Fastback Snare (tom position) 16x14 Floortom 14x 6,5 Sledge Hammer (main snare) 14x 6,5 Machete (side snare)